Self Assessment

Self Assessment

Discovering our purpose in life is a journey that can be both exciting and challenging. One method that can provide valuable insights is taking a self-assessment. A self-assessment is a tool that allows us to reflect on our values, skills, interests, and goals. By thoroughly examining these areas of our lives, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and uncover what truly brings us fulfillment and meaning. Let's explore each point of the self-assessment and how it can help us find our purpose.

Firstly, let's delve into values. Our values are the guiding principles that shape our beliefs and actions. Identifying our core values can shine a light on what is truly important to us. Reflect on what values resonate with you the most. Is it creativity, integrity, or compassion? When we align our actions with our values, we feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment. For example, if creativity is one of your core values, you may find purpose in pursuing artistic endeavors or problem-solving in innovative ways. Understanding our values can help us make choices that are in line with our true selves, leading to a more meaningful life.

The next aspect of the self-assessment is skills. We all have unique talents and abilities that make us special. By identifying our skills, we can uncover potential areas of interest and passion. Reflect on what you excel at and what activities bring you joy and fulfillment. For instance, if you have a natural talent for communication, you may find purpose in roles that involve public speaking, writing, or mentoring others. By embracing and honing our skills, we can find fulfillment in using them to make a positive impact in the world. Remember that skills can be developed and expanded upon, so don't be afraid to explore new areas and continuously learn and grow.

Lastly, let's explore our interests and goals. Our interests are the activities we are genuinely curious about and enjoy. They can provide clues about what resonates with us on a deeper level. Reflect on what hobbies, subjects, or causes spark your curiosity. For example, if you have a strong interest in environmental sustainability, you may find purpose in working towards creating a more eco-friendly world. Setting goals based on our interests can provide direction and motivation in our lives. When we work towards something we are passionate about, it gives us a sense of purpose and fulfillment.


Now that you have an understanding of why a self-assessment is necessary.

Please take time to take this self-assessment.

Please email all responses to [email protected].

What am I learning? Why am I learning it?

What do I need?

What am I good at?

What are my limitations?

How do I show that I am making progress toward my goals?

What emotions do I feel when I reach my goals? When I don't?

What is preventing me from reaching my goals?

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