Basic Functions of Computer w/Exercises

Basics Functions of a Computer

Computers are incredibly versatile machines that can perform a wide range of functions to make our lives easier. One of the basic functions of a computer is to process data. This involves taking input, processing it through various algorithms and programs, and producing an output. For example, when you type a document on your computer, it processes each keystroke and displays the letters on the screen in real-time. This processing power is what sets computers apart from other machines and makes them indispensable in today's digital age.

Another fundamental function of a computer is storage. Computers can store vast amounts of data, from text documents and photos to videos and music files. This storage capability allows us to save and access information quickly and efficiently. For example, when you save a file on your computer, it is stored on the hard drive, ready to be retrieved whenever you need it. The ability to store and organize data is crucial for both personal and professional use, making computers essential tools in our daily lives.

In addition to processing and storage, computers are also capable of communication. Whether it's sending an email, browsing the internet, or video calling a friend, computers enable us to connect with others around the world. This communication function has revolutionized the way we interact and share information, breaking down barriers and facilitating collaboration on a global scale. By understanding and harnessing the basic functions of a computer, we can unlock a world of possibilities and tap into the full potential of these incredible machines.

Processing Data

Exercise: Let’s try to open a Word document by using our mouse.

Today, we will explore the basic task of opening a Word document using our mouse. The first step is to move your mouse cursor to the desktop of your computer screen. The desktop is the primary screen that you see when you start your computer. It usually displays icons for various files and programs. Once you have located an empty space on the desktop, you can proceed to the next step.

Next, right-click on the empty space on your desktop. This action will open a small menu with several options. Move your mouse cursor to the "New" option in the menu. Another sub-menu will appear with additional options. Look for and select the "Microsoft Word Document" option. A new Word document icon will appear on your desktop, indicating that you have successfully created a new document.

Finally, double-click on the newly created Word document icon using your mouse. This action will open Microsoft Word and display a blank document on your screen. Congratulations! You have successfully opened a Word document using your mouse. Now you can start typing, formatting, and editing your document as needed. Remember, practice makes perfect, so feel free to repeat these steps to reinforce your understanding of opening Word documents using your mouse.


Exercise: Let’s save our Word document we created by using our mouse. We will save our document to our thumb drive.

Now that we have created a Word document and filled it with content, it's essential to save our work to ensure that we don't lose any changes. To save a document, locate the menu bar at the top of the screen and click on the 'File' menu. A drop-down menu will appear, and within it, you will see the 'Save' option. Click on 'Save' to store your document on your computer. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S to quickly save your work without using the mouse. Remember to choose a location on your computer to save the file and give it a descriptive name to easily identify it later.

When saving a document, it's crucial to select the appropriate file format based on your needs. The default file format for Word documents is .docx, which is compatible with most word processing software. However, if you need to share the document with someone who uses an older version of Word or a different word processing program, consider saving it in a different format such as .doc or .pdf. Additionally, you can use the 'Save As' option to save a copy of the document with a new name or in a different location without overwriting the original file. This can be useful when creating different versions of the same document or when collaborating with others.

Remember to save your work frequently as you continue to make changes and additions to your document. This will help prevent any potential loss of work in case of unexpected computer crashes or power outages. By developing a habit of saving your documents regularly, you can ensure that your hard work is always secure and easily accessible. So, next time you complete a task in Word, don't forget to save your document using the mouse or keyboard shortcuts to keep your work safe and organized.


Exercise: You’re doing great! Let’s continue on to opening a web browser on Internet.

Now that you have successfully powered on your computer and logged in, let's dive into the next step - opening a web browser on the Internet. A web browser is a software application used to access information on the World Wide Web. The most commonly used web browsers include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari. To open a web browser, you can typically find an icon on your desktop or navigate to the "Applications" folder on your computer.

Once you have opened the web browser, you will see a search bar at the top of the window where you can type in a web address, also known as a URL (Uniform Resource Locator), or a search term to begin browsing the Internet. For example, you can type "" in the search bar to visit the Google website. Additionally, web browsers often have bookmarks or favorites features that allow you to save frequently visited websites for easy access. This can be very helpful for quick navigation to your favorite sites.

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